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From Jeff - Looking Back to 2020/21...(+ other random thoughts).

Jim Costa

The Insurrection Act of 1807 requires that POTUS first order the insurgents to disperse before invoking The Act.  Q-Post 4360 mentioned The Act on May 30, 2020.

On Dec 16, 2020, DNI reported that the Intel Community would not be meeting their obligations set by EO and Congress.  I assume this was their order to report to DNI on election interference by Dec 18, 2020. This was a preview and setup for the eventual J6 insurrection by Congress.

On Jan 6, 2021, at the end of his speech at the White House, Trump told everyone to go home in peace.  The original videos have been mostly erased from the web or the important parts edited out.  Trump posted similar go home messages on Twitter, Parler, and Telegram but these are now difficult to find.  Screenshot of 2 Telegram posts attached.

On Jan 14, 2021, a post on Parler attributed to Trump stated that he had invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807.  The post was soon erased and later Parler itself was deleted.  Screenshot attached.

The DS has been attempting to frame Trump for J6 insurrection but he called it first with Presidential authority.  We have been watching a lot of theater since.  What will Trump's Chapter 3 look like?  Seems like we will be needing a new Republic since 3 terms are not allowed under USInc rules but we've never been in such an undefined situation before.

In a recent video interview Loy Brunson repeats that he does NOT have an NDA with SCOTUS.  SGAnon was recently in direct contact with Loy and posted the same.  Will the Brunson Trump card be played?  Linked video is 3+ hours - NOT suggesting you watch but it's here for reference.

Jumping ahead, the entire first quarter of 2025 should be quite interesting - Order Out Of Chaos?  For January a nationwide cold front is approaching which should always be expected and prepped for at this time of year.  Localized power blackouts are predicted for this big one.  Even Puerto Rico and Cuba are having power problems.  Q-Post 64, "Should the LIGHTS GO OUT please know we are in control.".  Roundup at the OK Corral?  Anons and Truthers have been prepared and waiting 4 long years for a proper public resolution to 2020 and the clock is running out.


IMO the H1B chatter is a distraction - it is certainly consuming a good chunk of the headlines.  The H1B concept is pretty much a necessity for next-tech manufacturing in the US as long as it is limited to truly qualified people. Genius and near genius for science and tech plus doctors, etc.  We don't need a repeat of Project Paperclip or Boeing's 737 Max.  We shouldn't need 10 million new H1B immigrants as discussed in the news chatter unless the number of jab victims increases significantly.  The coming Nuremberg type trials may remove many US medical and biotech personnel from the workforce (many unneeded if med beds are real).  Several generations of college graduates have been dumbed down by Common Core public education and are useless for high tech employment.  The kids who survived wokeism and actually got a decent tech education likely already have jobs.  Many people have been vax damaged (or killed) and the jabs still have not run their course. Many more will go in for the new bird flu jabs.  What happens when the woo-woo patents get released and Research and Development ramps up?  Who will be available to hit the ground running in ultra-high tech R&D when the challenges are incomprehensible to the currently available workforce - H1B?


Bitcoin can't be hacked?  It's already been openly hijacked once.  I remember the internet chatter years ago when it went thru a "fork" and was split into Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash which are very different.  If enough of the blockchain administrators are in agreement the software can be changed at will IN ANY MANNER DESIRED.  I suffered through the first hour of a free 7-hour audio book describing the history and hijacking of Bitcoin.  Enough for me, I will wait till the crypto wars flush out the crap coins before getting deeply involved.  I am way past my financial speculation years and am only interested in asset preservation.  But, if I was 15 years younger I'd be in up to my ankles at least and possibly up to my knees...

Hijacking Bitcoin Audio-book | Roger Ver


Catherine Austin Fitts is a national treasure.  Poisoned 8 times and still ticking right along.  In her recent Greg Hunter interview she says Musk's DOGE team wants to audit the IRS first so $7 Trillion in unpaid taxes can be recovered.  On the other hand I'm thinking an audit is needed right away to determine how assets recovered by Team Trump are to be distributed to the public (per Bix's Roota Theory).  Nobody should be getting reimbursed for previously unpaid IRS payments.


Allgire repeats his statement that Earth is a commercial operation but backs away from the notion that it is a Prison Planet.  His main point was that there is no reincarnation Soul Trap.  Earlier in another post he mentioned our Birth Certificates being used to track the property of off world owners.  IMO being tagged like cattle is pretty much the same as being on a Prison Planet.  He follows up with another post describing us as a petri dish experiment which parallels my own thoughts although I use the term test tube instead of petri dish.

NO! This Is Not A Prison Planet

More On The "Prison Planet" Hypothesis

Happy New Year!

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