SGAnon channels on Telegram are unauthorized copycat channels. For the most part QNEWSPATRlOT has reliably duplicated posts from SG's official Truth Social, but not exactly. I finally found a SIGNIFICANT post inserted that I can't find on TS. This one suggests that Q is CIA and Hillary was never arrested. IMO, this suggests that the Agency is trolling SG on Telegram.
TS is currently letting me view without login - mostly I am blocked.
"BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Payment System" with more waiting in line to join. The BRICS Summit date is Oct 22, 2024. Will their new blockchain alternative to SWIFT go live shortly afterward?
The UN "Summit Of The Future" is Sep 22, 2024. Let's hope the WHs have them under control, otherwise it will be NWO business as usual. Fulford and others have promoted disbanding the current UN and reorganizing UN 2.0 in SE Asia - could this be a start, a good thing?
“The Summit Of The Future” Will Create “UN 2.0”
Reuters, 9-10-2024: "US Treasury says Yellen tests positive for COVID, working from home" but she was reported to be at Gitmo in Sep 2023. Trying to remember who is a double and who might be really makes my head spin. [Gitmo Yellen]
MSM is doing a great job reporting on Covid test results for public figures these days. Are the NatGuard active in NYC to support these Covid tests (arrests)?
NYC Mayor Adams tests positive for COVID-19...
Meanwhile the new Brandon is 6 inches taller than the last one and got a much needed MAGA upgrade:
President Trump from debate: “he’s shot/he’s dead cold and sleeping/he doesn’t even know he’s alive”
Enjoy the theater, some can't take it, like Rep. Massie. I don't particularly like it either but the exit doors are locked - might as well enjoy some popcorn while watching.
Massie, 9/9/24: "I refuse to be a thespian in this failure theater." [6 min and worth it]
G'night folks...