Navy Model missing? Maybe they didn't want to interfere with Jaco's psychic mojo. He and the woo-woo remote influencers are pouring Love Vibration on Helene to calm her spirits. Helene's slight shift to the east could deprive her eastern outer bands of warm water energy as they swirl over central FL.
Jaco briefly talks Helene in first minute or two:
Ground based radars are not showing Helene to be a huge and powerful hurricane but they may not have the range to reach the middle of the Gulf. This ground based view will be something to watch as Helene gets within about 100 miles of the shoreline and the entire storm circulation becomes visible.
The satellite imagery shows a larger and more circular storm. I can remember seeing past imagery where storm cloud circulation covered almost the entire gulf so Helene isn't nearly the sizewise biggest in my memory.
If the GB radar fails to pickup more of the west side of the Helene then we may need a Weather Conspiracy Theory which includes the missing Navy Model prediction. Is the Navy steering clear of Helene and exiting The Weather Matrix? Note that several GB radars will likely go offline as Helene comes ashore.
Six years ago the eye of Michael went right over my head so this re-run sequel is a bit close for comfort. For those out of range, enjoy the show...