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Jim Costa

From Jeff - Events Are Speeding Up...

I trust the 17-ish channels enough to let them shape my National View or  The Local Big Picture.  Beware of copy cat channels, some are okay, some are scams.  The Rapture - only a very few will rise high enough to see how the world has been run for many, many thousands of years.  Fly High and Manifest your own personal Ascension.  Till then, these posts may help with the current situation:

NIKKI HALEY HAS BEEN EXECUTED  [She played her part.  Not sure if she was real or doubled during her performance.  Whatever, she's irrelevant now.]


Diana Gravesite and Memorial [pics]

The Royal Family has been disposed permanently.

Black smoke is when the Pope dies.

[Gone since 2021]

Thick black smoke rising above the National Mall in Washington DC.

The Revolution will not be televised - gotta go to the alt-media.

-----  The Coming Future -----

You're gonna love how this story ends.

[pics, I'm guessing that's Donald and Diana holding hands]

The Best Is Yet To Come  [pics]

SCOTUS case to throw out all voting machines

Donald Trump has been presented a strategy to start printing debt free money similar to John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.

Gold and silver prices expected to hit record highs by the end of the year

Former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is putting together an investor group to buy TikTok.

Ever wonder why Trump hired a Hollywood producer?  Mnuchin produced Jupiter Ascending - a must see for awakening sci-fi fans.  Follow the White Rabbit into the Galaxy.  Moving on...Mnuchin Produces a sequel to The Sting, more at link:

The House Full Of Cards Collapses Slowly.  [pic]

Blackout Coming  [pic]

A Blackout has already started for those around the Red Sea and surrounding areas:

The stage is set.   [pic]

The Ides of March.  Trump is surrounded by traitors.  [pic, But remember, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.]

Did not expect to see this long post on THIS channel attributed to JFKjr.  Very uncharacteristic.  We will soon find out how much hopium is actually in the mail.


Enjoy the show.  It's speeding up and could get bumpy but it's still a long way to then end.  And then the next one starts...

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