Everything these days is a psyop but this could be THE top ranked, deep fake swapout in our Reality TV existence. The public RFKjr narrative does not make sense - something about it smells like a huge psyop. There is a stench about RFKjr that needs to be aired out - bad guy or double agent? All links below are fairly reputable channels, IMO.
Let's start with the stench. SG copycat channel suggests RFKjr is a Lolita Express client so he MIGHT have some serious baggage. Post includes link to article.
SG copycat suggests RFKjr's address for voting records is bogus. The house is in foreclosure and he's never been seen there. Post includes link to article.
RFKjr is the only person missing from a Kennedy clan photo - WHY ??? Was he not available or was a message being sent?
WHY? Maybe this - a 17-ish post suggests RFKjr is gone, like the others. Got a Big Red X with thick lines:
A 17-ish channel posts that RFKjr MIGHT be a mask:
SG copycat channel posts that KUSI San Diego made a typo saying JFKjr was running for president along with a pic of RFKjr. Original KUSI post has been deleted. Were they planting a seed for predictive programming?
A little over a year ago SG highlighted RFKjr COURT DOCUMENTS about JFKjr running for POTUS. That's not my RFK/JFK typo. The court introduced the confusion either by mistake or with intent. I can no longer find the SG post(s) or the documents, however, a tiny snippet was posted by the C. Miller channel:
Let no opportunity go to waste. Trump has teamed up with (the current) RFKjr. "RFK Jr will bring charges against Dr. Anthony Fauci. That is his role."
Trump and RFKjr (double?) shake hands - "It's been a long time coming." Yeah, we been waiting a long time to see Trump and Kennedy together...
Update to above: This one adds a rather blatant hint.
Trump brings a special guest to Glendale, AZ. Who is it really?
My half-baked conclusion: Stinky RFKjr has been replaced by JFKjr. Yup, it's a very long shot but something stinks and I don't believe RFKjr is a good guy. Until more "evidence" comes out I'm going with it.
Enjoy the show...(pssst, it's a psyop).