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From Jeff - DC Gallows Again ??? (+ Other Trivia).

Jim Costa

SGAnon reposted what looks like gallows and viewing bleachers at Capitol Hill similar but smaller than Jan 2021 at White House.  Cannot find original post or a date.  Have not located a suitable Capitol Hill live webcam to corroborate.  You decide.

Trump has been hinting that many RRN posts are factual.  This instance hints that Gen Milley is now a Hollywood actor.  RRN reported Milley was executed.

If gallows are real, will doubles or actuals be hanged?


Looks like something is winding up.  My guess is an organized flood of embarrassing posts such as Heels Up Harris switching to kneepads for Michael O, Killary's Human mask, or maybe a straight up Covid class action lawsuit.   ["This drops tomorrow (today?)."]

Class-action LAWSUIT filed against Biden, Harris, Pfizer, Moderna:


NY Post is endorsing Trump.  They have been leaning right for a while:


After suggesting income tax relief for wait staff tips and some other special interest groups Trump is now hinting at eliminating All Income Taxes:


After several years on the fence about Whiplash347 I am now leaning toward him being a WH.  He set up a QFS-NESARA themed website a while back.  A post attributed to Killnet (Russian hackers) mentioned him recently.  Whiplash347 and HSRetoucher17 made a few cryptic cross posts a few years ago.

My take is that BRICS plus Whiplash items plus Starlink becomes the QFS which is just a name and not really quantum computing.  Likewise, NESARA is likely just a talking point vehicle to drive public conversation.

Reportedly a demo of BRICS Pay credit/debit cards was made at their meeting this week.  Demo cards were handed out with instructions to transfer funds or make a small purchase.


Trump Card?  Loy Brunson is suggesting his case could be reheard.  His telegram went silent for about a year until recently.  Some others have posted that Loy is under NDA.  [Scroll up a few posts]


Is this evidence that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a Kennedy (JJs son)?  From what can be seen at 0:50, the guy singing "Timber" sure looks like him. Timber = Poppa Bush SS codename.


Sure looks like the WHs are in control of almost everything except the mid-level DS minions that are in a panic without their real leaders. Trump's Abraham Accords set up the Middle East Theater to settle their own problems with minimal support from the West.  US military appears to be standing by to keep things from getting out of control and are leaking Israeli war plans to disrupt major attacks on Iran.

Enjoy the show...

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