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Jim Costa

From Jeff - Commentary: Germany In A Comatose State...

The recent ZeroHedge story about Germany being comatose is revealing but does not go deep enough.  The bigger picture is that almost the entire globe is comatose.  Trump and the global military alliance are leading the world out of a Khazarian Mafia NAZI slumber.  The Windsor royals are actually German-Austrian Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.  Who was fighting who in WW1, WW2, and again in today's WW3?

The German people may have lost WW2 but the NAZIs actually won.  In the middle of WW2 the Germans were very close to rolling out both anti-gravity flight (UFOs) and atomic weapons.  If they had a couple more years they could have won WW2 outright.  Instead, the NAZI leadership traded technology for safe passage of NAZI elite to the US and elsewhere.  Think Operation Paperclip, Manhattan Project, and the Secret Space Program (Area 51).  Today the Khazarian Mafia and their subset of NAZIs control world organizations including London and Wash DC (but not for long).

The US is controlled by Hitler's relatives:

Britain's Katie Hopkins has hope in our new POTUS.  Her country is BROKEN far worse than ours and the entire world will be needing our help in The Great Reset.  I get the feeling she knows something about Trump, Diana, and Melania.  The Great American Experiment continues...

Katie Hopkins: Dear America...

Katie Hopkins: Three reasons the TRUMP win matters to Britain

The absurd movie we are living in today is nothing new, the world has been in a Khazarian Mafia NAZI charade forever it seems.  This short post can't possibly reverse the mass media programming of the global population but it's a start.  The following review of Ukraine and Israel may help in unwinding the global comatose state of mind.

Ukraine was ancient Khazaria, home of the Serpent People.  Around 700 AD surrounding countries forced them to reform and they chose Judaism. Their descendants are today's white European Ashkenazi Jews with zero Palestinian blood that now hugely outnumber the tiny population of biblical Jews of old Judea/Palestine.  They are the same communist Bolshevik Jews that took over Russia then got thrown out.  In recent centuries Ukraine was always part of Russia.  When the Soviet Union broke up The US/NATO promised not to get active in Ukraine.  That didn't last long because the Deep State never keeps its promises - ask any Native American.  In 2014 Obama/Killary/Nuland staged a coup in Ukraine, installed a puppet gumment, and set up Deep State operations that were being kicked out of the US.  Think bio-weapon industries, human trafficking, drug running, money laundering, and so on.  Most of the foreign aid sent over there gets laundered right back into Deep State pockets.  It's no wonder why congress sends so many taxpayer funds. Today's conflict is Russia fighting a Deep State proxy in Ukraine after US/NATO promised never to go there.  Russia is defending itself from the Khazarian Mafia which seeks a bigger WW3 to survive.

Israel was never a nation until 1948.  Around 1917 the British reserved a tiny spot in Palestine for a Jewish state via the Balfour Declaration.  Nobody asked the Palestinians - the Brits gave away what was never theirs in the first place.  In 1948 after WW2 the state of Israel was set up to receive the Jews pushed out of Germany and the Middle East has been in kinetic turmoil ever since.  Israel gradually took over virtually all of Palestine by simply pushing the locals out.  The Ashkenazi Jews are great at playing victim and their (former) ownership of virtually all big media and publishing helps them shove that victimhood down everybody's throats.

Today Ukraine and Israel are just about finished.  Mourn for the people, the real victims, not their DS gumments.  In many ways the Israeli gumment is the head of the snake - remember those ancient Serpent People, today's Khazarian Mafia?

The show must go on!

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