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  • Jim Costa

From Jeff - Breaking (Rumors) Update #2 !!!

More Missions Reported Complete - You know the drill...


Mission 8 Complete! [Hussein]

10:59 PM, D.C.



Big Mike is Gone [Michelle]


Mission 7 Complete! [Nancy and/or Killary]

11:14 PM, D.C.



Mission 6 Complete! [Soros]

11:20 PM, New York



Mission 5 Complete! [Pence]

11:22 PM, D.C.



Mission 4 Complete! [Carter and/or Bush jr]

11:24 PM, D.C.



Mission 3 Complete! [Rothschild (Big Head, Jacob?)]

4:27 AM, London



Remaining missions

Mission 2: Charles

Mission 1: Pope

Mission 17: Storm, Return of JFK Jr., Return of Trump, EBS, Celebration, NESARA/GESARA


Sub-stage Complete! [NuttinYahoo]

6:33 AM, Jerusalem


Sub-stage Complete! [Musk]

8:38 PM, San Francisco

His clone is supporting patriots


Again, I believe most of these are not recent. Probably why "Counterclockwise" was included in the posts - looking back.

Let's hope the Storm is not too chaotic.

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