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  • Jim Costa

From Jeff - Act of 1871 Mentioned on British TV!

Refresher summary: The Act of 1871 (aka Act of England or Organic Act of 1871) converted the city of Washington into a European owned corporation to provide gumment services and District of Columbia was tacked onto the name.

After 1776 and the Revolutionary War the US was free from British rule for roughly 90 years but deeply in debt. Add the 1860s Civil War and the debt became totally insurmountable. In 1871 England used debt restructuring to lure our leaders into secretly ceding control to British and European rule once again. Another 100 years and DC's tentacles have largely taken over the states effectively making us all British colonists once again.

The "Treaty of 1871" was recently mentioned on British TV, likely to start the public on both sides of the pond with remedial history lessons. Down the road England will likely be flipped into a US protectorate - our colony. After Britain loses her colonies and evil truths are pushed out, England will likely need help surviving. Don't forget that Trump is rumored to have hidden ties to a living Princess Diana and Melania is likely a Romanov. Ties that bind... What an effin movie...

Jean Halper-Hayes was on Trump's transition team and is currently on a DoD Task Force. She is living in England. Video clips of Halper-Hayes on British TV are circulating everywhere but those 2-3 minute versions highlight J6, election integrity, Trump indictments, the Insurrection Act, and Trumps Executive Orders. This longer 10 minute version includes Trump's meeting with the Queen and that treaty made in 1871. WATCH THE WHOLE THING!

More info on Act of England 1871:

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