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  • Jim Costa

From Jeff - 2 Min Video: Exodus 21:6 and Trump's Ear Piercing.

"Will Trump have the courage when the time is right?"

From the video, Torah, Exodus 21:6 :  "A [non-Jewish] servant who wishes to remain with his master must have his right ear pierced..."

"...rebuilding the Temple on the Holy Jerusalem..."

[Remember, Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.]

" redeem the sins of Azov..."  [Azov Battalion = Ukraine aka Khazarian Mafia] and the deadline for redemption is Oct 2nd, 2027.

--- My Comments ---

In a quickie English search for Exodus 21:6 I found this, "He shall be brought to the door or the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall then remain his master’s slave for life."

In the first 1 minute of this 18 min video Trump says, "...I love you Christians, I'm not Christian...".

Trump is definitely being set up as a savior character, bloodline and all.  Note that the Old Jews lived side by side with the Old Muslims for ages.  More recently both old-school religions were pushed aside by new-school Jews and Muslims then set against each other in chaos along with wishy-washy Christians as part of the K-Mafia's divide and conquer strategy.  Order out of chaos is coming, hopefully with a Replacement World Order.

Why do I call Christians wishy-washy?  Well, First United Methodist Church of Pensacola is hosting "A Tribute to Taylor Swift" on Aug 16, 2024.  Why would a so called Christian Church allow the music of a Satanic High Priestess to be played in their House of God?  Maybe for money?  Tickets are pricey for a church activity.

Taylor was once a teenage country singer until the big time music industry got hold of her.  Now she's upside down and inside out.  Sold her soul?

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