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From Jeff - Duped and Sold Out ?

Jim Costa

Don't forget that Trump is still POTUS until he resolves his invocation of The Insurrection Act.  He has enough dirt on both individuals and the entire congress that he does not need to trade/deal much of anything in backroom negotiations.  He can say, Just Do It, to most congress peeps.


I liked the post about The Clearfield Doctrine with the single heart click it currently has.  On the other hand I did not fully agree with the comment,

   "trust only what YOU can verify and validate",

because of the times (centuries) we live in.  YOU (We) can't really trust, verify, or validate much of ANYTHING which leaves us all normies unless we connect the dots and go with logic, statistics, and Occam's razor - practical intuition and discernment for those of us not having a strong spirit connection driving our non-provable world views.  Most of us change our minds as new-to-us info arrives.  The Clearfield Doctrine is another drop in a big pond.  Q is most definitely disinfo and he/they told us so - no argument there.

In my view Clearfield items appear after 1871 making them subject to the Bigger Scam like almost everything else.  Plus, the disappearance of The Original 13th Amendment extends the big scam back an additional 50 or 60 years.

We live in interesting times.  Will have to wait and see how Team Trump unwinds all this crap.  Till then I am anxiously "Trusting the Plan" whatever it may be.  "Not everything will be clean" but it better be cleaner than Civil War 2.0 or I will be greatly disappointed (and probably dead).



Response From Jim: I hereby retract my retraction from this morning. After listening to a few more minutes of the Alex Jones interview with the Grand-son of Lyndon Johnson, I see that act of releasing the audio yesterday was the decision of the Grand-son, not the Democrats. Therefore, I still feel that Trump will disavow the Corp. Government and allow it to wither and drop off the vine to slowly die in front of us. This is the ultimate death all Americans wish to see!

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