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From Jack Cukjati - Recap Of SGAnon’s Timeline For The Financial Collapse As It Occurs.

Jim Costa

When the collapse begins it will be late in the week, perhaps on a Friday.

Late during week. Hyper Collapse.

      Trigger collapse of electronic bank systems

      Left in the Swift system.

Sunday: European banks have liquidity crisis.

      ATM’s will lock up in Europe.

       Rumors of bank runs on social media.

Monday: Liquidity crisis in Europe spreads to US. Large manufacturers suspend operations for

    Lack of ability to pay payroll.

    Rumors of large bank insolvency. Tuesday:

    Ultra high worth individuals will attempt to get

     Their assets out of the system.

     Stock Exchange will be down 30-45%


    Banks may reallocate their money in their depositors accounts in attempt to shore up their equity. (all legal under current law)

    End of jurisdiction of the corporate US of America

    As their money system implodes.

    Stock Exchange down 20% from yesterday’s close

    Crypto accounts suffer huge losses, may become worthless temporary.

     French and British governments may collapse.


    Hedge Funds declare liquidity and shut down operations

    Major Banks will declare bankruptcy because of Stock Short plays.

       And can not cover margin calls.Calls for FDIC will collapse, Federal Reserve is called to fix the problem.

    Stock Exchanges will collapse further.Calls for military to step in and fix the problems gain momentum.

    Commodities markets close.Friday:

    Insolvency of US will be recognized world wide.

    US Treasuries will be dumped !!!US interests raise will rise in attempt to save system but will pop bubble.

    Heads of State call for US ambassadors to explain what is

    Happening and why.

    Public Protests will erupt demanding US government to resign.

    When trading stops on Stock Exchange it will

         have decreased 92%. Supply chains will not function and grocery stores will be closed. Stock Exchange Trading suspended indefinitely.

   Dollar declared nongrata world wide and foreign governments

         Will be dumping US Dollars…


     Multiple attacks on US soil, and declaration of martial law

        By corporate US.

     Election data showing fraud in US Elections will be dumped to public.Corporate US playing only card left.

     Corporate US restricts travel.



Note: Recap above from the 11 Minute Mark to about the 15 Minute Mark.

At about the 11 min mark SG reads a message he received from an ultra high net worth financial advisor who claims to have insider info.  He gives a day by day scenario for the first week of the crash and then week by week and so on.  Pretty much the same as we've heard before but with more detail - it will start on a Friday...


The isolation of the US Dollar and its future. Link

Silver Investments

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