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  • Jim Costa

[DS] Preparing For Chaos, Soros, It Was Always Right In Front Of Us, Durham. [With Recap]

X22 Report Recap & Audio

Recap: Inflation is getting worse around the world, UK food prices skyrocketed and Argentina interest rates are now at 97%. The GND is falling apart, Germany reports that a climate org is actually a criminal org.

The [CB] is now panicking over the debt ceiling, the patriots have them where they want them. The [DS] is now panicking over the Durham report. The report has shown the world that the FBI/CIA/Fake News made up the entire Russian collusion event and [HRC]/[BO]/[JB] etc were all involved in it. This is the [DS], they coordinated together to overthrow the US government. They are all guilty.

The [DS] is now moving towards creating chaos to cover up their crimes, this will fail patriots already know the playbook. Once this fails they will try to bring us to war.Trump will have peace and the military will hold tribunals.

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