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Dear Jim - Why does Trump do this ?????????????????

Jim Costa

The Trump we used to see in public is the one who promoted “Operation Warp Speed” to murder as many Americans as possible as quickly as possible with toxic vaccines. Vance is a partner of Battelle Biodefense Laboratories (funded by Anthony Fauci for Moderna) who said “Let’s fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine.”


Jim's Response: We are seeing an enigma within a riddle jammed inside a Chinese puzzle.

Was the above message coming from the real Trump; Remember Trump is running for the Presidency of a Titanic bankrupt corporation government that abandoned the Constitution and is about to collapse;

While we are awaiting to bring up Restored Republic honoring the Constitution;

Throughout this time releasing the world from an ET led Mafia like hold over all humankind. Then Trump might run for President of the Restored Republic.

So the question is "Does it really matter" now that Trump has awakened the majority of the species to rebel against all those who dare lord over us illegally?


So for those that suspect Trump, finish off the CABAL, Deep State, Corp Government and Banksters first. Then consider voting in someone else other than Trump.

My guess Trump would be happy with that arrangement.

I am not a war veteran but my guess it is it's insanity to expect to see only human perfection on a battlefield.


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Unknown member
Jul 23, 2024

The explanation/rationale given by one of the Q proponents is that Trump's Operation Warpspeed came as a surprise to The Cabal, and that it got in front of their planned-for-later-rollout of even more deadly vaccines and prevented them from implementing even more draconian lockdown and vaccine-enforcement measures. It has come out that some of the Operation Warpspeed vaccines released to the public were merely harmless saline, which I presume The Cabal would never allow under their original plan. Seems plausible to me, and explains why Trump states that Operation Warpspeed saved millions and millions of lives. But, like you, Operation Warpspeed -- and, for me, Trump's love of Israel -- are grave questions in my mind.

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