I think the gal in one of your videos stated that anyone holding office now can NOT hold office in the new govt' republic. I'm wondering how far that goes down the line? Does that also include county elected officials? City officials? Elected sheriffs? Township officials? Do you happen to know Jim? Angie
Response: No one has the final answer on most of this right now because "It has not happened yet".
But If I Were a Betting Person:
1) All elected officials everywhere that are attorneys registered with the BAR will be gone.
This will be because of the Original 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbidding any person with a "Title" signifying loyalty to another country to be ineligible to hold public office in the US as long as they are in the BAR.
BAR = British Accreditation Registration
They owe allegiance to the Crown of England.
2) Originally all states had to be Republics. They then created the Federal Government, also a Republic. Then during the Civil War, the govt was run as a corporation because there was no quorum in Congress.
In 1871 the lawyers were making a fortune with it being a corporation, so they made it permanent, but out of sight.They created a second Constitution making us all serf's of the Fed Government, instead of Sovereign citizens being over the Fed Govt., as originally created.
In order to get funds from the Fed Govt, all states and counties were forced to change to corporations as well.