Comment #1: Why the inferred claims on your otherwise wonderful website that federal taxes are anything but voluntary. "trade" in one of 50 nation-states is not "federal" unless one contracts with them tacitly.
Please - consider common-law alternatives for your subscribers other than Jeff's woo-woo mystic out of body prognostications - which I am not poo-pooing btw. [Weiss & Associates]
I have successfully used their services, and my own intuition/research, in federal tax court, along with private trusts for property interests to secure my rights, labor property and real/tangible property interests. Enough so that they leave me alone - for the most part. Of course - they still try and get me to contract with them from time to time. Silly Rab-id's!
Jeff appears to not know that there often appears a practical side to everything - no out of body experience needed. :-)
It's all fun-e
All my best,
Jim Bumbledare
Comment #2:
Btw... I might be a Stock Market, Metals, BitCoin, Prepping accolade.
However, my background is that of a Jim Costa Mini-Me and family/bidness owner/retiree charcter-mystic of IT, Construction, L(and)A(ir)W(ater) and nutrition nerd.
Jeff is good egg. I do like him - just not on taxes.
Jim B.