There is something interesting about this video of President Trump visiting a Waffle House restaurant.
About 40 years ago at sundown, my husband and I were exiting a supermarket in West Hollywood. The grocery store was across the street from the iconic Chason's restaurant.
As we stood on the street corner of Beverly and Doheny, a policeman admonished us to stay where we were and not attempt to cross the street. What followed was a breathtaking demonstration of Federal Government power.
The motorcycles came first, and there were at least two dozen of them. Then police cars. Then six or more identical black limousines with dark tinted windows. Then an ambulance, just in case, then some follow up vehicles to protect the rear flank. We looked up at the roof of Chason's and there were sharp shooters. It was an awesome sight. Pres. Reagan and Nancy were going to dine at Chason's that night with their friends. (Ronnie had proposed to Nancy at Chason's in 1952.)
Now when I saw this clip of Pres. Trump arriving at the Waffle House in Columbus, Georgia, it looked very similar to the official motorcade for sitting President Reagan. Even former Presidents and presidential candidates do not typically warrant this degree of security detail.
Make of it what you will. As Alice would say, "curiouser and curiouser".