Thanks for considering some of my more obtuse rants. Not necessary. Out of respect for peoples time, I will write less obtusely and more concisely in the future. People seem to prefer increased clarity. Agreed.
I was clued in on M.Klann earlier in the year.
The quasi-United States "current" foreign/corporate .gov appear to perhaps have two foreign-branded banking operations - like GM, both chevy and buick rolling up to a single banking holding company quasi-american US. however, I am not completely convinced either way quite yet.
I like to keep probabilities and possibilities open until there is adequate "state" of mind concluding in reliable factualities. In other words - I don't like to get ahead of my skis. Life appears a lot like financial "trading" - don't marry any trade acting on too biased "anticipation". It is a difficult call - for sure. I'm always error on caution when making legal or lawful moves.
Trump-like / M.Klann appear to perhaps be the Quasi-American "territorial" federal brand and the Neo Libs/Conservatives the current illegitimate Quasi-American "Municipal" brand.
Think of it like Naval Intelligence (Territorial) versus CIA (Municipal), but both foreign influenced. Noticing that all existing counties, states, federalies and globalistas appear to be both fictional and bankrupted "Municipal" corporate quasi-american .govs.
M. Klann is seemingly "moving" on the "municipal" jurisdictionally as "territorially" illegitimate....and she might just be accurate, but still in a quasi-american federal foreign venue (federal territorial jurisdiction and subject matter).
Certainly her successes do not guarantee that her initiates are not also illegitimate regarding actual Land and Soil based State sovereignty/jurisdictions of actual living-breathing people. I'm not getting ahead of my skis on this one quite yet.
The question is - even though, her efforts appear to possibly have teeth - who(m) are they chewing for? The friend of my enemy is my friend ... kind of thing.
What one might consider is that both of the above potentially quasi-american jurisdictions require "citizens" of different quasi-federal-only brands vs. actual Land/Soil living people and actual American State Nationals and State Citizens appear clearly different than perhaps subsidiary quasi-american federal-only oaths of any "office" versus "departments", citizens, etc.
I am not claiming anything quite yet as I do not know more reliably.
M. Klann's supposed jury-pools do NOT appear a settled matter; however, I will share more as we are likely about ready to find out. :-)
The alternative is building one's own state assembly, like in Florida and all 50 states. Because, until the actual Land and Soil "State" of mind is reconstructed - via living and breathing beings versus what M.Klann might be bringing forward - a 2nd potentially false quasi-american "state" of mind versus the actual inheritance of actual Americans "freeman" might ensue.
I'll leave all such matters to the discretion of the people to decide for themselves.
I'm just not compelled as-of yet.
Jim B.