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Clif High - The Discontinuity. The Line in Time. [Recapped]

Jim Costa

Updated: Aug 14, 2024

7 MM Starts. . .We passed his time marker in May,2024; we are being bathed in extra sun energies changing our physical reality. Changes I flow of sea waters. .. . Continually changing.

14 MM Change in vibrations to our bodies happening now.

16 MM Discontinuity is indicating unexpected events Oct thru December.

20 MM In the midst of war, breakdown of society, there will be active kinetic disruptions (some what like a civil war, but not civil war). Birth pains of Sci-Fy world. Starts around September, seriously disrupting to social order, big burst around October 2nd thru Oct, 8th, to Spring of 2025 -big where we get a blowup.

22 MM So far we have seen all the actors needed for our play. Our main character in our play will be new Technology. This will upset the world for 20 to 30 years. Probably be Zero Point energy (free energy). Will cause many legal problems. Lightening Eaters – towers pulling energy from the sky.

25 MM We left our last Caligula (?) period in 1699, ending the 1,200 year period.

               2,400 years ago we went into the Abrahamic and Asian Religions period. This was a discontinuity of what was there before the new religions. The new changes to religion that are coming will impact man for thousands of years.

26 MM Our debt is based on storage and control of energy(Oil, Coal,etc.). This will crash the financial when the energy world who have debt based on energy reserves in the ground, causing the collapse of money and destroying the ruling class of their power over us.

29. We are getting a discontinuity of the technology. This will be an inoculation (introduction to man) over time as we learn about what we now have.This will begin around Dec. 7Th, 2024. By Spring we are really be into the Sc-Fy world.

This will cause a big study of our planetary history for several months, about its impact on new energy that was caused by Aliens and UFOs.

34 MM Big change in Cryptos next year as result of new techs.

              Dangers of technologies as it can be used to harm us from old rulers.

41 MM The controlling beings had thought this period would come in 2050, but had to move up their plans as the new energies free us. 43 MM The Jewish history is now coming out. Look for Dec 7th, and Jan 18 thru Feb 14th (open contention / battles)

45 MM The elite have a mindset change of mind in December and go into a fleeing mode.

45 MM The Elite will flee due to fights. Serious conditions in England; armed revolution from Fall to Winter in the UK. In the US around Dec 7th, expect to see the first introduction of new technologies.

49 MM Med Beds – be Leary of them now; will take time to study them. The required frequencies are changing now so they will take study time.

50 MM AI is only correct 50% of the time now. The new zero point energy has nothing to do with Med Beds.

55 MM he still maintains Med Beds and Investments in Iraqi Dinars are still cons.

    It’s still going to be chaos and crazy for another 8 months.


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