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  • Jim Costa

Charlie Ward Huge 12.10.22 - The Revival of America! [ [Recapped]

13 MM Biden is the president of the US Corporation and has never been in the White House. Tyler Perry's studio is being used for the theater.

The Republic is being run out of the Republic’s DOJ in Tyler, Texas and Reno, Nevada. The control of the US has not been out of the Pentagon since Trump left office. The Corporation was run by the Pentagon and the White House. That doesn’t happen anymore. It hasn’t happened for 2 years.

The Republic is being run out of the Republic’s Pentagon in (Templeton or Temple?) , Texas and the DOJ in Reno, Nevada. The military has never followed Biden.

Research will show none of Trump’s Executive Orders have been reversed.

15 MM The Global Elite were taken out two years ago. The US Military ships in Europe have been emptied out for military tribunals under Maritime law.

We are in the end game of all the middle level people being taken out.

16 MM Nest low level minions will be taken out: Doctors, School Masters, etc.

Discusses religions and some at their tops that need to be cleared out. Why aren't churches talking about the missing children? 21 MM Most missing kids were under government care. 24 MM People coming across US Southern border to cause trouble here.

25 MM Governments are starting to play games on the people now.

26 MM They want to kill the population.

28 MM If the CABAL had it's way and had not been interfered with, there would be 4.8 Billion deaths by now.

Trump got rid of the 5 G in the US in 2018. 5G is not in any of the phones 48 MM Discussion about body doubles for people that heve been arrested. He points out that the press is saying Celene Dion has “Stiff Body Syndrome”. There is no such disease. A “stiff” is a dead person. used here.

31 MM The 5 G towers will probably be taken down as the old phone system will be replaced by the Star Link system.

31 MM 29 countries have declared in courts that the Covid 19 virus does not exist.

It is biologically impossible to transmit the virus. Ignore talk about variants.

We can spread germs but not a virus. 32 MM Bill Gates invented great computers and sold them. They worked well. Then he created the fear of a virus in them to sell virus protection programs.

He then created the fear of a human virus so people would have to be vaxxed.

37 MM Trump said he got vaccinated. He never said he got the Covid Vax. He got the Ivermectin Vax. The Covid Vax is not classified as a "Vax".

39 MM The visual Biden must be removed before the RV can occur. He thinks we are very close to that moment. All the Musk intel was given to us by E. Snowden and J. Assange several years ago.

48 MM Discussion about body doubles for people that heve been arrested. He points out that the press is saying Celene Dion has “Stiff Body Syndrome”. There is no such disease. A “stiff” is a dead person.


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