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  • Jim Costa

Arizona Just Outlawed Voting Machines In 2024 Federal Elections!

Hello from Mike Lindell,

We're just getting word that Arizona Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borelli has announced that every county in the state must stop using electronic voting machines for the 2024 federal elections!

Originally, wrongfully elected "Governor" Katie Hobbs vetoed a bill that would have prohibited voting machines. Thankfully, the state constitution gives the legislature plenty of legal authority to regulate elections.

This is a major victory for We the People and the Lindell Legal Offense Fund. We have been the legal defense team for Kari Lake since Day 1 and have worked closely with state legislators who are bravely fighting election crimes!

The State Senate's authority in this matter stems from a 2017 statement from the US Secretary of Homeland Security, which designates election infrastructure as "critical infrastructure."

This means electronic voting machines must have safeguards in place to prevent attacks that threaten national security. As electronic voting machines are clearly vulnerable to hackers and foreign governments, Borrelli and the Arizona Senate Republican majority took action.

We are demanding honest elections, and we will continue to fight against voter machines in every state!

There's a reason why a recent poll shows that 80% of all Americans believe our election systems are in major need of reform.

Please support our continued efforts to fight for Kari Lake and stop election crimes in Arizona.:

God Bless,

Mike Lindell

The Lindell Legal Offense Fund

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