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  • Jim Costa

Jim’s Rant For The Day. The Real Count Down.

Two major events occurred yesterday that could point out our futures.

The first event was the CDC quietly reduced their covid death rates from 3.2% to actual of 0.24%.

This is a 90% drop from the scare rate that was used to quarantine the world’s population.

The huge question the news media is not asking is why are we still in quarantine?

The second event was the police officers kneeling on a detainees neck for ten minutes until he died.

I saw the 10 minute video and to me it was not negligent manslaughter but rather murder.

My concern is people are waking up to the fact that some elites have committed crimes against humanity in regards to the act leading up to the virus as well as the governments’ reactions to it.

We know the police will be the front line defense to the elite’s loss of control. Will the kneeling image remain on the mind as more people realize the virus was a hoax on their lives and erupt? Will the people see the government officials kneeling on their own heads with that same non-caring look the kneeling cop had?

I get that Trump wants to forestall the financial collapse until after the elections but will he be able to prevent the explosion that long? I fear not.

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