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  • Jim Costa

Note From Jim: Personal Virus Plan.

Today I got real about the virus.

So far it appears that kids don't die from it, nor healthy adults. It kills seniors with weak immune systems or COPD like problems. My 65 year old wife has COPD like problems. Therefore, only my wife needs to fear the virus. So how are we to live if we assume the virus will be around for a year? Today we discussed plans to restrict her from shopping and crowds with me doing it all. A table was set up outside the front door with a bottle of hand wash and a hanging towel on it. Also is a plastic shoe box from a Family Dollar store that contains water and a tablespoon of scented bleach. It is cheaper, faster and easier to just dip your hands in it and then dry off. The top will keep it from evaporating. Anyone returning from the outside world will have to pay for admittance by hand washing. I believe in Chess this would be called Castling the Queen.

Is it a perfect plan? No, but it is a beginning plan in action.

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