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Warm & Clean


Keeping Warm


No Toilet Paper

Sanitary Shit



Keeping Warm


Most of my prepper contacts live in NW Florida and so it is those folks that I address here. When I was a Scout Master the boys studied winter camping one December and over the Christmas holidays we camped to practice their new skills; they went swimming for a half hour.


Get yourself two sleeping bags, one rated 20 Degrees and the other Zero degrees. They are only about $30 each. When you go on minimum calories and/or are under extreme stress and cannot digest normally, your body may have a harder time in maintaining its heat. It is one thing to be camping in 30 degrees with a 2 lb. steak in your belly topped off by a late night candy bar, and totally something else when in survival mode.


Next build a Rocket Stove Heater (50 gallon drum). It will burn paper, twigs, cow pies and even forbidden oily Florida pine that cannot be burned in traditional fireplaces. It is 100% energy efficient compared to 60% Ben Franklin stove and puts out no smoke. It costs $125 to make. Use cat litter in the bottom. It is simpler to build using an “Oversized” metal drum with a removable top.





Below are the notes for the Hygiene Seminar we will give to all of our members in the event of activation of our fall-back farm. I present them simply as the notes they are.



       Composting Toilets.


1. Compost toilets are wooden boxes with a 5 gallon bucket under a toilet seat.


2. You can urinate and defecate in the #2 toilet.


3. When finished, cover the mess, including toilet paper, with sawdust.

4. Put the seat back down.

5. Women can place urination only in the #1 toilet (woman’s urinal); no solids.
Place the toilet paper in the waste basket instead of the toilet.

6. When a bucket is full, remove and cover it with a lid.
Install an empty bucket under the seat.

7. The full bucket should be buried in the Human manure compost pile.


Toilets in Campers.

1. The septic tanks are very small and not designed for high usage.

     Some campers will not have septic tank hook-up and will have to be
     emptied  by hand, a difficult, unpleasant and sometimes unsanitary


2. Therefore, urinate in them only and dispose of the toilet paper in a trash can.  Lay the cover down.


         3. Do not flush after every use. Let it mellow, then do a group flush.


Portable Camp Toilets.


1. Raise the cover.

2. Pull the center tray out.

3. Sit and do your business.

4. Throw the toilet paper into the toilet.

5. Rinse, then close the tray.

6. Pump or pour a cup of water onto the top of the tray.

7. Lower the cover.



Human Manure Composting.

   To empty buckets / toilets into the compost pile:


1. Using a hoe or pitchfork, scoop a hole in the top of the compost pile.

2. Empty buckets into the pile.

3. Rinse and clean the first bucket with a toilet brush and a gallon of water.
Pour used water into the second bucket.
Clean the second bucket.

4. Pour dirty water onto the compost pile to be buried.

5. Cover pile with a few inches of hay, stray, other compost, or dirt.

6. Put an inch of sawdust or dirt in the bottom of each empty bucket.

7. Wash your hands.



  Hot Towel Method


1. Heat one half quart of water in a covered pot.

2. Check frequently. As water starts to steam and form small bubbles on bottom of pot, remove from fire.

3. Get a medium-sized hand towel, large kitchen towel, large clean shirt or whatever.


Slowly and carefully immerse towel into pot. Move towel around slightly to allow capillary action of cloth wick up hot water.

If towel is completely saturated, use less water next time as a fully wet towel will be too hot to pick up, let alone wring out, and it will drip all over the place.

4. When towel is very hot but not too hot to handle, pick up towel and vigorously wash body.


5. Wipe your butt with toilet paper. Then using the towel, wash your face, arms torso, back, legs. Then wash your armpits, crotch and butt.

   Bucket and Bench Method


1. Wet your rag in the bucket to wet the body.

2. Soap and wash.

3. Rinse with the remaining water in the bucket.


Navy Shower


1) Rinse quickly. 2) Turn off water. 3) Soap up and bathe. 4) Rinse quickly.  5) Get out.



 Sun Drying


1. All sleeping bags, sheets and blankets should be taken outside, turned inside out, and shaken.


2 They should be hung on bushes, across something, or placed on a clothes line so that the sun and fresh air can clean them.


3. After several hours, remake bed.


4. This should keep down bed bugs and lice, as well as remove the extra dead skin caused from infrequent baths.




  Human Manure


1. The human manure compost pile can take anything bio-degradable, except large bones.  This includes baby diapers, handi-wipes, tampons, all food scraps and road kill.

2. After the pile is built up to a four cubic foot, it will age for another twelve months to kill the last of the human pathogens. It will then be used as fertilizer on the vegetable crops.

3. This method has long been approved by EPA.

4. Not only does this method cut down on hepatitis, cholera and diphtheria, it also cuts our water usage in half.

5. Two trash cans will be available in several places, including the bath rooms. One for bio-degradable refuse for the compost pile, and one for plastic, glass and metal.







Potable vs Non-Potable

Proper Hydration


Because of the uprooting and changes of place, diet and stress, proper hydration is most important. If you are not peeing you are not drinking.

This may cause your bowels to lock up. And cause fatigue when you are needed most.

Make sure everyone in your group is drinking plenty of water.

Swimming Pool


      Sun Washing

       Laundry Process 


No Toilet Paper


Yes, you can survive it.


Best Answer: Purchase a liquid bug sprayer, adjust the wand and you have a beday.    Cost $10

You may have to heat the wand to bend it a little.  

Assign one washrag to each person. After several uses, wash it;

Optional washer: Cost: $86, OR
make your own with a quart Mayonnaise jar and a handful of pebbles. Cost: $0.


Cut up books;


Handful of grass;


Use your hands and wash.

Optional; Put bleach in tray of water to sterilize after washing your hands.



Sanitary Shit


Shit happens, and it's going to continue to happen when the shit happens. The question is what are we going to do about our shit? We have all heard the stories of people in high rises unable to get rid of their shit. When that happens expect cholera, hepatitis and diphtheria in your neighborhood. So what's a mother to do?


If you are a city slicker you may get a double whammy: no water and no sewage. Then on top of that the people uphill, or up from an underground lift station, will continue to use rainwater to flush with. But without electricity the lift station will not function, distributing shit to about ten percent of the households, making them uninhabitable. To prevent this, all homes should have a $4 four inch sewer pipe cap. If you discover you are a lucky recipient, just dig up the line, cut it and install the cap with a rock holding it in place.


If you have a water shortage however, you still have a shit problem so now we have two problems in one. So lets solve them as one. First make a composting toilet with $25 in materials or for free using a toilet seat, a closet door and its two hinges, plus a five gallon pail. It will take a family of four a week to fill two buckets. Cover it with dirt, sawdust, shredded paper, compost or grass. I swear, there is no odor.


A normal family uses 15,000 gallons of water each month with half of that, 7,500 gallons, used to flush. The compost toilet requires only 4 gallons per month. We just solved half of your biggest survival problem – water!


We are now going to use the Human Manure Composting method to dispose of it. We will eventually build a 4 cubic foot compost pile. Stake out a 4 foot by 4 foot location. Empty the bucket, making sure that it is slightly wet if you choose not to urinate in it for some reason. Try to build sides to it. Cover each flush with a few inches of dirt, grass or paper. Never turn this compost pile. The idea is to let the shit cook and build up steam. It will completely cook down in two weeks.


Continue to build the pile up to a height of four feet. When finished, let it age one year to kill the human pathogens. It is now ready as a fertilizer on your garden!


By the way, anything bio-degradable can go in that pile, including Pampers, bloody bandages, road kill, Tampons, etc. It will all cook down.


Get your neighbors to do this as well and you have just prevented the dreaded unsanitary diseases, no shit.


See my other website:




Don't even think about it if you live in suburbia and have not organized your neighborhood into a Mutual Assistance Group for Survival. Your immediate neighbors will know that you are a well stocked prepper and you will be dead. The electricity is not worth it.


But it's a different story if your community is organized. The generators are constructed for a limited number of lifetime hours so use it sparingly. We will run ours fifteen minute every three days just to pump water. That's it. Also note that they require a lot of oil changes so stock up. Gasoline can be obtained by punching a hole in the bottom of a plastic auto gas tank with a Phillips screwdriver.


We have some three inch wood burning stove pipe ($15) to conceal the noise and location. Slip it over the muffler and using an elbow and straight pipe, run it up about six feet towards the clouds. Others may hear it but cannot pinpoint its direction. If you need 220 volts, make sure that you have the connector and wire on hand.


Make sure it is well ventilated and guarded with a gun.


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Keeping Warm
No Toilet Paper
SAnitary Shit
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