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Jim’s Daily Rant. There is Power Behind Miki Klann.

Jim Costa

Therefore, they will already be convicted of fraud or perhaps Treason. All you have to do now is turn that paperwork over to the Military for their action, per your instructions. Please find attached a draft for forming a local Private Member Agreement.

Before a breakfast meeting this morning I was reviewing it more closely. I noticed the following about it:

1) It is too perfectly typed – no errors.

2) It was prepared by a team of legal eagles. I know this because it could not have been a cut and paste adjusted. Its purpose is to take down the current corporate government, causing stubborn minions to default themselves guilty of fraud and possibly Treason.

Nothing like that per-existed before this draft. That requires a team to brainstorm.

I also know this was prepared by attorneys because it contains three Hold Harmless Agreements in it. Only an attorney will build in this much protection. See points 8, 9 & 11.

3) It could not have been done by BAR attorneys. This PMA prohibits BAR attorneys from joining the PMA, while at the same time, welcomes non-BAR attorneys. Why, because the goal of ending the corporate government will destroy the jobs of many BAR attorneys. Therefore, they can not be trusted to work on this legal document. Please notice points 13 and 14.

4 Based on this PMA Agreement, I believe it was prepared by a team of U.S/ Navy JAG attorneys.


Now lets look at the published books to be used.

Start with this collection with Amazon links.

Note: There are several others like these by the same author.

The two PDFs are so you can peek inside. The PDFs are dated 2013 and 2016. The published books are all dated 2020.

The smaller pamphlets are published by We The People, it is a teaching website partnering with Miki’s organization and website. The larger book is authored by John Darish, and is also published in 2022.

Now if you peek into one of the PDFs you will see that it looks like a long legal brief. It cites all Supreme court rulings and other court precedents that might be needed in preparing your own Affidavit or Writ requiring a government employee to do their jobs in accordance with your State Republic’s Constitution.

These cites will be needed to prove to them that they are acting outside of the Constitution, thus illegality. If in the Affidavit and Writ you add a clause requiring them to refute your allegations by a certain time, they will automatically be in default. Therefore, they will already be convicted of fraud or perhaps Treason. All you have to do now is turn that paperwork over to the Military for their action, per your instructions.

These books were all printed in 2020.


My conclusion is that all of this was done with adequate time to prepare, do the legal research, write and print the books. These are all steps you would find in a well thought out Fisbone Planning Chart.

It also demonstrates there is love for this project and unlimited funding for it. My conclusion is that Miki’s group is backed my the Military Intelligence, the White Hats.


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