Aaron Russo had produced a mind blowing (excuse the pun) documentary, showing astounding footage, and interviews with people close to the perpetrators such as LBJs mistress, etc. The kill shot came from a 17 yo boy hiding in the sewer grate to the right of the limo. The driver knew he needed to slow down at that point, and the zapruder tape was sped up to conceal that fact. Much more in the documentary such as a young CIA agent GHW Bush wrangling a South American assassination team, ensuring the job got done. Many Texas oil men profited afterward.
Nov 22, 2023
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Aaron Russo Much more in the documentary such as a young CIA agent GHW Bush wrangling a South American assassination team, ensuring the job got done. Many Texas oil men profited afterward.
Aaron Russo had produced a mind blowing (excuse the pun) documentary, showing astounding footage, and interviews with people close to the perpetrators such as LBJs mistress, etc. The kill shot came from a 17 yo boy hiding in the sewer grate to the right of the limo. The driver knew he needed to slow down at that point, and the zapruder tape was sped up to conceal that fact. Much more in the documentary such as a young CIA agent GHW Bush wrangling a South American assassination team, ensuring the job got done. Many Texas oil men profited afterward.