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  • Jim Costa

From Joe - Audio Analysis of the 9 shots fired at Trump - 4 from David Crook's weapon, but the other 5 are NOT ! - WHO FIRED THEM? (Hint: It WASN'T from the counter sniper).

A MUST watch video from Chris Martensen’s audio analysis of the 9 shots fired directly at Trump.

Conclusions from Audio Analysis of the 9 shots fired at Trump:

-          Lone Shooter theory is 100% False 

o   - DEFINITELY at least 2 different weapons were fired at Trump BEFORE the 10th shot was fired by the counter sniper killing Crooks

Even a lay person with average hearing can distinctly hear the dramatically different pitch of shots 4,5,6,7,8 & 9 that occur in fast succession AFTER the 1st 3 shots.

NOTE: Martensen’s presentation separates the shots fired at Trump into 2 shot groupings

1)      Grouping 1 is the 1st 3 shots from Weapon #1 (Labeled 1,2,3)

2)      Grouping 2 is the last 6 shots fired at Trump  (Labeled numerically as 1,2,3,4,5,6) – Confusing because he should have labeled them 4,5,6,7,8,9

3)      His analysis separates these 2 groupings from the shot (#10) fired by the counter sniper killing Crooks).

Details of Martensen’s conclusions:

1)      9 shots were all fired at Trump

o   1st 3 shots(1,2,3) appear NOT to have come from David Crooks (Lone Shooter?) weapon – and appear consistent with shots coming from INSIDE the AGR Building!

o   4 shots (4,5,7,8) were from David Crooks (Lone Shooter?) rifle from the Top of the AGR building.

o   2 shots (6,9) appear come from from a 3rd location, with the 9th definitely from another (3rd?) weapon!

o   The single 10th shot that killed Crooks was fired by the Counter-sniper - 16 seconds after the 1st shot was fired!

§  Was that sniper told to temporarily stand down, OR was he trying to assess where the shots were coming from??


appeared to be fired at Trump from INSIDE the building, 2 from another unknown location - 1 from the Counter sniper.  

Joe Wade

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