Hat tip to the fake SGAnon Telegram channel:
The TSA has posted an Emergency Amendment, "Requirements for Proof of Being Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19" that applies to FOREIGN air carriers from Jan 9 to Apr 10, 2023.
IMO this is a White Hat order since the time frame is so short. If it were Deep State and actually Covid related it would likely be longer or even permanent. What is in the works that requires short-term tracking and control over the movement of foreign people and assets???
SGAnon has posted Audio File #33. Topics include:
> France Now Under WH Control
> US Mil Targeting Hollywood [DS] Assets as Enemy Combatants in War > Mil Alliance Protecting Duly Elected Leaders > NATO on the Ground in Ukraine > Sleepy's Productive USVI Trip >>> Trust the Plan. He also goes over a list of RUSSIAN predictions of civil war in the US where California and Texas recede from the union.
If he mentioned anything about the reported mil on mil Gitmo clash by RRN then I missed it.