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From Jeff - Stay Off Planes - Part 2.

Jim Costa

Haven't flown in over a decade - here's a chunk of the reason why:

MUST WATCH IF YOU FLY!   [2 min, several years old]

In the last couple days, "Boeing whistleblower found dead..."

But there's mHaven't flown in over a decade - here's a chunk of the reason why:


But there's more...

"Nikki Haley had the Boeing whistleblower taken out."


What???!!!  Hmmm...Nikki was Gov of So Carolina.  Boeing has a factory in So Carolina.  BIG contracts - Billion$.

The rest of the reason why:

The Deep State goobermint, mafia, and globalists all merged together back in the days of JFK.  The DS does not want the public to travel. After 70 years of preparation they are ready to shut down public travel with plausible deniability.  If you fly today you may be flying on a pig, a pig with lipstick.


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