Anyone who Trusts The Plan should realize that Russia is part of the Alliance resistance against the Khazarian Mafia. Russia has come to the aid of the US several times in the past.
Orbital weapons may not work as advertised to the public masses. Bombs or projectiles cannot be DROPPED from orbiting satellites. Stuff in orbit stays in orbit until something slows them down or forcibly changes their direction. An EMP satellite bomb without propulsion can only be triggered from orbit on the order of 100 miles - highly inaccurate but still possibly effective. Modern electronics have static and surge protection which provides at least some defense against distant EMPs.
If an orbiting satellite released a Rod From God without propulsion it would simply become orbiting space junk. It takes a lot of energy to boost that Rod into orbit and it takes a bunch more to get it back out of orbit. If the atmosphere is used to slow the Rod then it will take a very long time to hit a target on the planet surface. It would not be a surprise hit. Radars on earth would detect the Rod slowly dropping out of orbit. If the Rod has propulsion then it is a space rocket, not a gravity bomb.
Like Flat Earth, part of the Space Weapon psyop is to see how educated or gullible the masses are. Part is fear porn. Part is real. If UFO tech is in play the above science discussion is moot. The Dumbing Down of America and the world is being tracked and measured by AI web bots.