Jim Costa

Jul 15, 20171 min

Jim’s Rant For The Day. My Non-Brother Brother.

Yesterday I had lunch with my almost brother friend Don. Two years ago he was diagnosed with Lyme’s disease. It has taken a toll on his body and made it difficult for him to do all the physical things he used to do. I guess we all know how the disease just wears a person down.

Don is a take charge person. His wife is an RN. He saw all the doctors his wife sent him to, including one doctor who also has the disease. Then Don heard about a local Indian who was said to help cure it.

He was instructed to take Blood Root, a herb for it. That was four months ago.

He said last week his doctor ran tests on him and says he now has no indications of the disease. He says he feels like he did prior to the disease. I believe everything Don told me.
